Wolfgang Hoffmann/Dale Hambrecht (translater)

Discover Martin Luther

A guide to the most significant sites in the life of the Reformer in Germany

3rd updated and revised edition august 2016
64 Photos, 112 Pages, 2 maps, Format 120 x 190 mm, paperback

63 Farbaufnahmen, 1 SW-Aufnahme, 1 Übersichtskarte, 1 Karte über die Verbreitung des protestantischen Glaubens
112 Seiten, Format 120 x 190 mm, cellophanierte Broschur

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ISBN 978-3-945974-02-5


Enthält 7% Mehrwertsteuer
Lieferzeit: sofort lieferbar

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Martin Luther, the „pugnacious theology professor“, couldn‘t have begun to imagine the far-reaching consequences of his actions as he distributed his theses opposing the Church‘s dealing in indulgences throughout  Wittenberg in 1517. His uncompromising stance toward the Roman Curia and his undeterred actions, which were marked by deep inner piety, were to have significant consequences far beyond the borders of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

The fascination this powerful man still holds for us today continues year after year to draw people to the various stations in the life of the great German Reformer.

This travel guide is an invitation to a discovery tour through tradition-rich cities Martin Luther visited.